The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2015 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.


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Best Consumer Goods Rich Media Online Ad

The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) needed to raise awareness of its logo as a trusted source for consumers of the products that it produces -- and to stay top of mind when those consumers are shopping at the grocery store for dairy products.

To create positive brand affinity, CMAB wanted to push its message in an engaging environment highlighting that its products come from 100% real California milk and real California dairy families.

CMAB decided to use engagement advertising solution true[X] to educate consumers about their heritage, farmers, cows, community and recipes -- creating an interactive environment where consumers could explore each component. Using true[X]'s advanced technology, CMAB was able to use a pre-qualifying question to specifically target consumers who had not already been exposed to CMAB through its TV spot. The unit itself captured a user’s attention with an opt-in 750x500 rich media format that offered legitimate value in return for that user’s initial attention across the true[X] network.

Through a brand study with Qualtrics, California Milk Advisory Board saw significant brand lifts; +288% brand appeal, +287% purchase intent, and +271% brand appeal. Additionally, there were significant lifts in brand attributes; +217 high quality, +191 trustworthiness, +149 "something I would look for in a store", and +91 for being nutritious. CMAB's unit also showed high interaction with 13,401 recipe downloads, 231,031 video views, an average time spent of 52 seconds, an average of 4.5 interactions, and a 16% CTR.


true[X]: Alanna Strauss-VP Creative,Nat Nguyen-Creative Dir.,Justin Brahms-Sr. Acct Mgr,Renee Lusano-Designer
true[X]: Matt Bauer-Account Executive
Deutsch - Assoc. Digital Design Dir.: Justin Graham
Deutsch - VP, Account Dir.: Andrew Dubois
Deutsch - Acct. Supervisor: Mel Smith
Deutsch - VP, Group Media Dir.: Kelly Clarke
Deutsch - Media Supervisor: Hayley Owen
Deutsch - Media Planner: Amy DeMallie



Location: United States

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