The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2012 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.


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Best Consumer Goods Social Media Campaign

Era is a low cost laundry detergent. But not the cheapest. We needed people who were extremely budget conscious to believe Era was worth a little bit more because it worked better. So Era became the only detergent with so much stain fighting its Chuck Norris Approved. To get the word out on Era's Chuck Norris approved bad-assery, we created legends of its stain fighting prowess in the tone of Chuck Norris internet legends. Those legends became YouTube videos, banner ads, and Facebook ads. We even made a Facebook Game called Stain kicker based on the first video legend we released. A game that would help shoulder our budget worried target’s financial burden by randomly giving away coupons, t-shirts and even washers and dryers based on their game play. All they had to do is put snake skin boot to stains.


Chief Creative Officer: Judy John
Creative Director: Heather Chambers, Lisa Greenberg
Group Creative Director: David Federico, Morgan Kurchak
Digital Group Creative Director: Ian Kay
Copywriter: Morgan Kurchak, Jennifer Smith
Art Director: David Federico, Matthew Kenney, Ian Kay
VP Head of Broadcast/Producer: Franca Piacente
Director of Creative Technologies: Felix Wardene
Illustrator: Remie Geoffroi
Flash Developer: Henry Chi, Virtue


Location: Canada