The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2012 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.


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Best Non-profit Online Video

In its first year, TEDxBGSU is a student created event at Bowling Green State University(BGSU) with the support of faculty, staff, alumni, community members, professionals and many more. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, a TEDx event is a local, self-organized event where people share a TED-like experience, by bringing together ideas and interesting people from around the world and around the corner. The TEDxBGSU organizers challenged the Hanson team to generate interest and attract audience members. The piece needed to be edgy enough to hold the attention of media savvy college students and universal enough to motivate established business leaders and community members to attend the event. But that wasn’t all. The organizers wanted to be able to re-use what was captured to help kick off the event and get the attendee’s motivated to spend the day learning from great speakers and engaging presentations.


Video Services Producer: Connie Calmes
Messaging Stratigist: Jennifer Molnar
Composer/Connection Strategist: Steve Dwyer
Video Production Manager: John Rerucha
Editor: Mike Comstock
Audio Designer : Dan Schroeder
Intern: Zak Jasinski
CEO: Steve Hanson
Chief Creative Officer: Jenny Jacob


Location: United States