The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2022 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Electronics Online Ad

Many of us recognize the OnStar button conveniently placed in a number of automobiles. But the truth is, they offer a full suite of products beyond the rearview mirror. The OnStar Guardian app, for instance, offers critical support for any vehicle at any time. OnStar representatives, meanwhile, can offer alternative routes to safety, and the ability to contact loved ones should the need arise. They even offer services and products to help locate loved ones who may find themselves lost, such as those with Alzheimer’s.

A robust story like this requires a robust ad experience to evangelize it to users. So, we did just that. This exploration features four different paths, each featuring a focused segment of the OnStar story. Users are empowered to select the path that is the most personally relevant for their needs.

Once a path has been selected, users can then view a video relevant to their selection as well as a series of hotspots designed to tell the entirety of the OnStar story, piece by piece.

Our strategy resonated with users. We saw increases of 10% in Awareness and 15% in Consideration. A 2.6% CTR shows that users were ready to continue their journey with the OnStar brand.



Location: United States