The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2008 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Marketing Integrated Ad Campaign

The universal drive behind the multi-channel, integrated 'All About Me' campaign is to solicit B2B list rental sales of mailing lists in the vertical markets of financial, technology, B2B, consumer and small to medium business markets. The creative tone behind the campaign is clean and contemporary, with a distinction between the bright and colorful, real people against a black-and-white offset of other characters. The purpose is to attract the online attention of direct mailers, list brokers and respective agencies and persuade them to rent Worldata's exclusive properties of represented subscription and other mailing lists for their direct mail and email campaigns.

'All About Me' is an unconventional, creative campaign for a list company to launch, advertising the composition of a list instead of simply the publication itself. A fictional, typical person found on one of Worldata's managed lists from each market is portrayed through an engaging profile. The profile includes a lifestyle description, picture, color scheme and even handwriting that is fitting to that person.

The initial banner ads appeared on industrial B2B e-newsletters kicking off the campaign and introducing the characters. Each banner linked to the easy-to-use micro site featuring additional demographic/psychographic information on that person, as well as a 'cross-sell' to the other characters. The banners were followed up with e-mail promotions and ongoing web banners on Worldata's homepage, all linking to the micro site. The challenge is to draw interest and create action - make enough of an impact on the broker or mailer to view our online list library, request information or inquire about a list rental recommendation via phone or email.


Senior Marketing Director: Stacey Mironov
Marketing Services Director: Jim Butler
Web Designer: Luis Martinez
Copywriter: Marisa Warren


Location: USA