The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2012 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.



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Best Magazine Online Campaign

Description / Strategy Test-Achats (TA), lives only on subscriptions. Their push recruitment strategy (DM) is less effective to attract new profiles. And TA is seen as a magazine only Challenge: attract new subscribers, younger profile. Solution: Let's not say TA is useful, let's prove it. A pull-strategy offering for free a 1st lawyer advice service. Enabling 50 lawyers to take up cases and defend the prospects. Execution The campaign used on & off-line touchpoints, (viralvideo, emailing, banner, social media, radio, print, free press, table mats, SEA) which pushed consumers to the website to post a complaint, and on Facebook to share and publicise Test-Achat's free service. After the case closed, Test-Achat proposed them membership in order to enjoy the same service throughout the year. A viral ecosystem-campaign. Results More than 3500 complaints written by prospects after 4 weeks of media on&off. 8 months later, thanks to on-line Ecosystem, pushing the word-of-mouth, using Facebook sharing and Adwords (with no more advertising support), complaints reached 12000 Astonishing conversion rate: 20%, meaning 2.400 new subscribers. This new pull strategy is exported to 4 other TA countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Brazil)


Head of Emakina/Agency: David Grunewald
Creative Director: Antoine Wellens
Creative Director: Xavier Bouillon


Location: Belgium